Source image is a picture of Campbell’s Soup Cans, by Andy Warhol, found here: Displayed images have all been converted to JPG for presentation.
- imported into Audacity from BMP
- applied Phaser effect to section of audio - rows of cans could actually be distinquished in the audio
- imported into Audacity from BMP
- applied reverse effect to section of audio
- imported into Audacity from photoshop RAW
- applied a Paul Stretch to section of audio
- re-imported RAW as an image with fewer channels, at a resolution of 1000 x 1000
- imported into Audacity from photoshop RAW
- applied a pitch shift from F to D to section of audio
- re-imported RAW as an image with fewer channels, to riginal file size
- opened BMP in text editor
- copy pasted random sections of text into different areas
- exported from photoshop as interleaved RAW
- re-imported as a non-interleaved RAW iamge
- exported from photoshop as interleaved RAW (3 channels)
- re-imported as interleaved RAW (10 channels)
- imported into Audacity from photoshop RAW
- adjusted frequency levels on one section of the audio
- increased bass and decreased treble by 5 dB
- imported into Audacity from photoshop RAW
- applied WahWah effect to one section of the audio
- ripped USB out of computer while BMP file was transferring
- mystery finally solved