Android Board Game - Arimaa Free

Nov 2016 - code

Play Store


Open source contributions welcome! I’m currently looking for someone to pass on the development torch; there’s a lot of interesting work to be done, especially as a beginner/intermediate project. AI bots and online multiplayer! Send an email to and I’d be glad to set you up/do a walkthrough.

Interestingly, a game designed to be difficult for computers to play. But AI players have very recently beaten humans! The original Arimaa can be found here. (warning: not a modern website)

It was fun to design a system for rewinding and replaying games move by move. I ended up using a string serialization for recording actions based on the standard notation. Despite being intimidating, it was also fun to generate the recursive set of legal moves for the UI. Not too proud of the “GameEngine” class though…
